Dream Machines
Hidden within an unassuming Vancouver Island location, some of the finest automobile restoration and preservation in the world is currently underway. Coachwerks’ base of operations is an amazing spectacle of fine craftsmanship paired with iconic design and historical pedigree. With their state-of-the-art facility just a few blocks from Victoria’s inner harbour, these not-so-new players are proudly making big waves in the international automotive industry, one man hour at a time.
The facility houses its very own team of specialist with centuries of cumulative experience in the finer points of fabrication, paint and body work, mechanical systems, upholstery, and even woodworking. With no project too big or too cumbersome, the team at Coachwerks excels in a wide variety of services from minor preservation to complete restoration of everything from classics all the way up to late model vehicles.
Specializing in primarily classic European brands like Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, and Ferrari, the experts at Coachwerks have likely seen and done it all. From iconic 1950s Mercedes Gullwings, to early 1960s Porsche Speedsters, and even a late 1970s Ferrari Dino among the plethora of other irreplaceable vehicles on display on any given day, their showroom is simply a sight to see. While each vehicle patiently awaits delivery to their respective clients around the globe, you would be hard pressed to differentiate these from any just off the original assembly line.
The act of preserving automobiles is a noble pursuit moreso than a profit driven undertaking. Although a properly preserved vehicle can often fetch more than a completely restored one, finding the appropriate starting point continues to be more challenging everyday for many classic cars. Some of the fine automobiles that Coachwerks is currently tasked with revitalizing have led extraordinary and privileged lives, while others have been waiting dormant for decades, often in less than ideal conditions, in hope of some enterprising soul discovering them and getting them back on the road.
The Mercedes 300 SL Roadster and its coupe variant, better known as the Gullwing, has been a specialty of Coachwerks for many years now. The pleasure of having several 300 SLs at various stages of completion and/or restoration is commonplace for these professionals. For a vehicle that was only produced for a short time (the 300 SL roadster was produced from 1957-1963, while the coupe was produced from 1954-1957 with only 1,400 ever reaching the road), having even a few in one location would be rare. Working on a series of them in sequence speaks to the level of knowledge and practiced execution that are hallmarks of Coachwerks’ business.
A properly restored 300 SL Gullwing can fetch easily a million or more Canadian dollars in the current classic car market, with those delivered by Coachwerks likely valued even higher. By adhering to strict standards about what can and can’t be replaced in terms of authenticity, alongside a master level understanding of the vehicles in their care, no restoration undertaken ventures outside certain parameters set by the original manufacturer. For example, the 300 SL’s iconic tartan cloth interior was only offered in a handful of colour combinations. Coachwerks will not allow their customers to go outside of these options for the preservation of a vehicle. Ultimately the goal with the nut and bolt restorations for which Coachwerks is renowned, is to bring a vehicle back to its original condition as it would sit on a showroom floor awaiting its first lucky buyer. This extends to every aspect of the vehicle; replacement panels often require custom manufacture from scratch due to the age and availability of parts, motors are completely rebuilt, re-plumbed and re-wired, interiors are finely crafted down to the tiniest detail including accompanying luggage, and finally each vehicle receives a thorough review with tiny quality control marks added by multiple technicians, exactly as was done at the factory more than 50 years ago. That all of this is done in-house is a testament to the level of dedication and skill residing under the Coachwerks’ roof.
Owning a Coachwerks creation is in essence a love letter to a time not all that long ago; a golden age when automobile design truly began to spread its wings and soar. A time when anything was possible and the future was bright. Their vehicles are unlike anything built today, yet they make classic car ownership easy through their comprehensive set of services, inspiring expertise, and a long standing history in the industry that is trusted worldwide. Driving their creations immediately bestows a sense of wonder and nostalgia on the operator who is left only to contemplate the many vistas the vehicle has already kissed and will continue to share with owner and kin for many years to come.